Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners Insurance Policies


A standard homeowner’s insurance policy covers your home’s structure (house) and your personal belongings in the event of a destructive event, such as a fire. In addition, homeowner’s insurance policies are generally “package policies.” This means that the coverage not only includes damages to your home and personal property but also provides liability protection. “Liability” is the legal responsibility for any injuries and property damage to others caused by you or legal members of your household, including pets.

Pick what type of coverage suits your needs. A standard homeowner’s policy usually includes the following coverage types:

Dwelling (Coverage A)

This covers damage to the physical structure of your home if it is damaged by a covered peril.

Other Structures (Coverage B)

This covers damage to other structures or outbuildings, such as a detached garage, work shed, or fencing.

Personal Property (Coverage C)

This covers damage to or loss of personal property. Personal property includes household contents, as well as other personal belongings owned, used, or worn by you and your family.

Living Expenses (Coverage D)

This policy covers the necessary living expenses up to the stated limit. The amount is incurred by the insured to continue, as nearly as possible, the normal standard of living when the house cannot be occupied due to a covered loss.

Liability (Coverage E)

This is concerned with the legal responsibility for any injuries and property damages to others caused by you or legal members of your household, including your pets.

Medical Payments (Coverage F)

This covers injuries occurring on or off your premises to persons other than an insured. The coverage is valid if the injury is caused by you, a legal member of your household, or your pet/s. An important feature of this coverage is that the payment is made regardless of fault.


Condominium Insurance

This policy covers your unit where your condominium association’s insurance stops. Usually, your association insures the building and other common areas. Remember that insurance policies vary, so it is important to review your condominium by-laws and association policy.

Flood Insurance

Did you know that a typical homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood damage? Insurance against flood must be purchased separately. In addition to flood damage expenses, this insurance reimburses you for the work you did to sandbag your home, move your furniture, and remove debris after the disaster.

Earthquake Insurance

Most standard policies do not cover earthquake damage. Like flood insurance, this policy must usually be obtained separately.

Mobile (Manufactured) Home Insurance

This insurance can cover more than just your mobile, manufactured, or modular home. It can also be designed to provide coverage for:

  • Detached structures on your property, such as a carport or garage
  • Your personal belongings
  • Living expenses if your home is seriously damaged by a covered loss
  • Injuries that might occur on your property

Rental Property Insurance

Do you own an investment or rental property? You should ensure that you carry adequate insurance coverage. Accidents may occur and cause damage to your property. If you do not have insurance, you will be the one responsible for the financial cost. For high-quality rental property insurance, turn to us. Our policies are ideal for:

  • Commercial properties
  • Vacant properties and lands
  • Rental homes
  • Commercial and residential investment properties
  • Residential investment

Renter’s Insurance

If you live in an apartment or a rented house, renter’s insurance provides you and your possessions with important coverage. Whether your property has been broken into or destroyed by fire, our policies can protect you from the unexpected.


Personal Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella policies offer inexpensive coverage for most types of negligence claims. The most common source of serious claims is probably automobile accidents. This policy supplements your basic automobile liability with extra layers of protection. The policy can also be used to cover other types of catastrophic claims.

Travel Insurance

When you travel to another country, it is important to have sufficient insurance. Without proper coverage, an injury or illness abroad can turn into a financial disaster. At Leugers Insurance in Franklin, IN, we provide travel insurance policies to prevent your trip from being ruined by an unexpected medical emergency or accident.

Valuable Items Insurance

Most homeowner’s policies offer limited coverage for personal articles. We can provide additional protection for your belongings with a comprehensive valuable items insurance policy. Various objects may be covered by this policy, including:

  • Artwork
  • Baseball cards
  • Books
  • Coins
  • Firearms
  • Furs
  • Jewelry
  • Memorabilia
  • Musical instruments
  • Oriental rugs
  • Silverware
  • Stamps